Be verified. Just for being there for your customers.
Hard to find customer contact options and slow contact response leads to customer friction. Friction leads to loss of sales, poor reviews and negative word of mouth.
If you are doing it right, why not flaunt the Contact Ease certification logo and give your customers confidence.
Improve your online market share
With trust & confidence.
The UK's online shopping scene continues to thrive, with a staggering £115 billion spent online annually. While the ease of clicking and collecting (or having it delivered straight to your door) is undeniable, a smooth pre and post sale customer contact experience remains paramount.
Imagine a customer browsing your product or service but hitting a brick wall – no clear way to contact you with a simple question or request for help. Frustration sets in and the purchase could fall through.
Contact Ease is an extremely simple program that recognises online businesses who make it easy for customers to get in touch. Certification only requires readily accessible and clear contact information, and 'reasonably' prompt responses to enquiries.
Think of it as a symbol of confidence for online shoppers. The Contact Ease Certification logo assures your customers that your business prioritises open communication, which builds trust and fosters a positive online shopping experience. With it, you will stand head and shoulders above your competitors.
What We Do
We check the ease of customer contact on your website and award certification.
According to, around 41% of UK online buyers abandon their purchase and suggest this is likely due to service concerns.
If you display your customer contact options and opening hours in an easy to access area and you are confident that your calls, emails and where applicable live chats are responded to in a reasonable time period - your website could carry a very comforting and confidence boosting Contact Ease clickable logo.
We'll verify your contact options
When you apply for certification, we'll make sure your online customer contact options are easy to find, easy to use and the hours of operation are provided.
We'll mystery shop you
We will mystery shop each of your online customer contact options, telephone, email, livechat and contact forms and we'll take into consideration your initial and full response times.
We'll award a certification
If the results of the above are considered to be reasonable, we will award certification and licence you to use our certification logo upon your website, emails and advertising.
You'll exude trust and respect
Certification will provide a link based logo. This means your customers can click our logo on your website and view your certification page and mystery shop results on our website.
Why wear the logo?
Create customer trust
This is a space to share more about the business: who's behind it, what it does and what this site has to offer. It’s an opportunity to tell the story behind the business or describe a special service or product it offers. You can use this section to share the company history or highlight a particular feature that sets it apart from competitors.
Let the writing speak for itself. Keep a consistent tone and voice throughout the website to stay true to the brand image and give visitors a taste of the company’s values and personality.
Be seen to rise above your competitors
This is a space to share more about the business: who's behind it, what it does and what this site has to offer. It’s an opportunity to tell the story behind the business or describe a special service or product it offers. You can use this section to share the company history or highlight a particular feature that sets it apart from competitors.
Let the writing speak for itself. Keep a consistent tone and voice throughout the website to stay true to the brand image and give visitors a taste of the company’s values and personality.
Manage your pipeline continuously with full governance
This is a space to share more about the business: who's behind it, what it does and what this site has to offer. It’s an opportunity to tell the story behind the business or describe a special service or product it offers. You can use this section to share the company history or highlight a particular feature that sets it apart from competitors.
Let the writing speak for itself. Keep a consistent tone and voice throughout the website to stay true to the brand image and give visitors a taste of the company’s values and personality.
Get started with Contact Ease Today